Principles of practical implementation of the flamenco Spanish dance

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Konopleva N.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The given article reveals the correspondence of the structural elements of the «duende» phenomenon to the functions of flamenco dance. These eight basic functions have been defined as follows: creative, esthetic, educational, communicative, expressive, the function of physical shape keeping, identical and psychorelaxation. A special attention is given to the practical outcome emerging in the result of combination of the given functions and specific «duende» elements. The practical outcome is understood as development of specific skills and abilities of a performer. Thus, the creative function of flamenco dance fosters the extension of creative potential of a performer, esthetic function contributes to the development of spiritual and esthetic needs and uplifting sense of beauty, educational function stands for broadening of outlook in terms of culture and arts, the function of physical shape keeping contributes to the body flection and reducing of muscular clenches etc. Based on the long-term observation and practical experience the authors suggest a model of correspondence between structural elements of the «duende» phenomenon and flamenco dance functions.

The article is based on the material of the previous researches conducted by these authors. Specifically, it encompasses the data of the «duende» structural model highlighting its five components: imagination, inspiration, emotional give, improvisation and trans. Also, it is based on the results of the sociological research revealing the motivation factors influencing the Russians to perform flamenco dance. Thus, flamenco dance is viewed from different perspectives in terms of its usefulness for a person which is reflected in the model of correspondence of the above-mentioned «duende» elements and flamenco dance functions having certain practical outcome as its eventual goal.

Keywords: flamenco dance, elements of duende phenomenon, improvisation, inspiration, imagination, emotional give, trans, dance functions.